Huamin Wang is the chief scientist at Style3D and he leads Style3D’s global research team. His research interests revolve around physics-based simulation and modeling, with a specific focus on high-performance and high-fidelity simulation of digital human by GPU and generative AI.
Before joining Style3D, he was a tenured associate professor in the CSE department at the Ohio State University (2011 – 2021), and a postdoctoral researcher at UC Berkeley (2009 – 2011). He has served on the technical committees of numerous conferences and chaired the papers programs of CASA 2017 and SCA 2023. He is an associate editor of IEEE TVCG and the Visual Computer.
PhD in Computer Science, 2009
Georgia Institute of Technology
MS in Computer Science, 2004
Stanford University
BSc in Computer Science, 2002
Zhejiang University
This paper presents volumetric homogenization, a spatially varying homogenization scheme for knitwear simulation.
In this paper, we wish to push the limit of real-time cloth and deformable body simulation to a higher level with 50K to 500K vertices, based on the development of a novel GPU-based multilevel additive Schwarz (MAS) pre-conditioner.